duminică, 21 iulie 2013

Perfect Bijoux,Frumusete si Speranta

          Fericirea se gaseste intr-un suras, intr-o raza de soare, in urma unui parfum, intr-o bijuterie.
         Bijuteria este un obiect de podoabă, confecţionat din metale sau materiale preţioase, având scopul de a înfrumuseța sau a etala bunăstarea purtătorului.
         In existenta noastra de zi cu zi marcata de neajunsuri,nevoi,lipsa de speranta,simtim si avem  nevoie de gesturi,lucruri care sa ne scoata din aceasta stare,care din pacate uneori n-i se pare fireasca.Din aceasta stare esti scos si poti chiar visa frumos vizitand pagina"Bijuterii online"unde vei gasi rafinament ,frumusete,arta.
Este foarte greu sa te hotaresti asupra unu anumit produs,fiind cuprins de "vraja"frumusetii,bunului gust,elegantei ce contrasteaza cu realitatea in care traim.Desi,trebuie sa recunosc ca imi este foarte greu sa fac o alegere,totusi am ales "Cercei cu cristale"care etaleaza grandoarea frumusetii feminine,rafinament si-n acelasi timp o eleganta decenta.
Poze {REC.sp_name}

Daca lumea in care traim de cele mai multe ori ne arata lucruri,fapte intamplari cu impact negativ asupra existentei noastre.Exista un loc,  "Bijuterii online"unde frumusetea,rafinamentul,eleganta se impletesc cu speranta sublimului vietii.

duminică, 23 iunie 2013

Feeric Fashion Days-Sibiu,arta si sublim

      Romania aflat intr-o continua tranzitie in toate domeniile vietii social-economice ,culturala sau de alta natura,nu are un loc bine stabilit in Europa,uneori cauzate si de "rastalmacirea" unor realitati,s-au prezentarea "trunchiata" a unor evenimente.
    Surprinderea strainilor este cu atat mai mare cu cat, convingerea negativa a acestora este zdrucinata de evenimente,"intamplari frumoase" care schimba perceptia oamenilor formata in timp si -n general  cultivata in mass-media.
    Din seria 'intamplarilor frumoase" face parte si organizarea  Feeric Fashion Days -Sibiu,un eveniment inovativ care tinde constant spre promovarea talentelor contemporane din zona bijuteriei de autor prin crearea unui mediu adecvat și menținând un proces de selecție solicitant care permite designerilor cunoscuti, dar și celor emergenti să fie promovați.
      Ca un pas firesc în conceptul festivalului, care crește de la o ediția la alta, Feeric a dorit ca bijuteria contemporană să fie prezentă în cadrul lui, adresând în acest scop, invitația de participare platformei Autor. Expoziția de bijuterie contemporană are loc în spațiul Galeriei de artă UAP, din Piața Mare nr. 12, situată în centrul istoric al orașului Sibiu în perioada 25 – 30 iunie, zilnic intre 10:00 – 18:00
       .Designeri celebri la Feeric Fashion Days
    25 de designeri români și străini vor prezenta, timp de șase zile, cele mai noi tendințe în moda europeană în cea de-a șasea ediție a Feeric Fashion Days. Cel mai mare festival de modă din România adună în Sibiu nume importante ale modei. Adina Buzatu, Natalia Vasiliev, Evgheni Hudorojcov, Bianca Popp, Erika Lopez sau Ana Maria Galan și mulți alți designeri de talie internațională au pregătit colecții spectaculoase pentru prezentările de modă de la Sibiu.
     Între 25 și 30 iunie, Sibiul redevine capitala națională a modei. Pe lângă cele două seri de Gală, din 29 și 30 iunie, ce vor avea loc pe pasarela suspendată din Piața Mică, designeri români și străini vor prezenta individual colecții inedite, în ton cu locul de desfășurare. „Prezentările de modă din Feeric Fashion Days sunt atipice în lumea modei tocmai pentru că se petrec în spații neconvenționale. Frumusețea creațiilor este dublată de atmosfera fiecărui spațiu de prezentare. Am insistat pe contrastul dintre piesele de colecție și spațiu în fiecare dintre aceste prezentări individuale”, spune Mitichi, creatorul Feeric Fashion Days.
     Adina Buzatu, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți stiliști români va prezenta, în 29 iunie, o nouă colecție de îmbrăcăminte masculină în decorul fantastic al Palatului de vară al baronului Samuel von Brukenthal din Avrig. După prezentarea din tramvai de anul trecut, Bianca Popp revine cu o nouă prezentare complet atipică. Tot în Palatul Brukenthal din Avrig, Bianca își va prezenta noile creații într-un spectacol acvatic. Modelele vor defila prin apă, pe cursul pârâului din curtea Palatului. „Eu fac haine pentru fetele de orice vârstă care nu vor să se întâlnească cu alte fete îmbrăcate la fel în nicio circumstanță. Fac haine pentru fetele care urăsc uniformele și care continuă să creadă că ele sunt altfel decât restul lumii”, spune Bianca Popp despre noua ei colecție.
        După ce anul trecut a prezentat la Feeric Fashion Days două colecții, Natalia Vasiliev revine la Sibiu cu o prezentare de gală și o prezentare individuală cu influențe medievale, pe Pasajul Scărilor, în data de 28 iunie. Cu studii la Milano, un master și un doctorat în arta modei, Olimpia Dobrotă are în față o mare provocare pentru prezentarea individuală din Muzeul în Aer Liber din Dumbrava Sibiului. Fiecare dintre cele 20 de fotomodele va prezenta piesele colecției în câte o curte tradițională iar participanții la prezentare vor trece pe la fiecare, într-un alai de nuntă cu lăutari. Joi, în 27 iunie, designerul sibian Anca Stănilă revine la Feeric Fashion Days după apariția din prima ediție a festivalului. Noua colecție Anka`s va fi prezentată într-un decor cu totul și cu totul special, în Bazilica Cetății Cisnădioara. Vineri, în 28 iunie, Feeric Fashion Days îl primește pentru prima dată pe designerul sârb Pedja Naric. Pedja este unul dintre designerii de top din Serbia iar prezentarea sa individuală va avea loc în fabrica de dropsuri Feleacu a grupului Boromir. Liniile de producție vor fi funcționale în timpul prezentării.
Feeric Fashion Days este un eveniment organizat de Fundația Mitichi și cofinanțat de Primăria Municipiului Sibiu și Consiliul Local Sibiu prin Casa de Cultură a Municipiului Sibiu.
         Programul manifestarilor PROGRAM, inalta tinuta a evenimentelor ce urmeza sa se desfasoare,ne "imbie" sa gustam din realitatea frumusetii ce ne inconjoara ,facand abstractie de intentiile mai putin intentionate ale unor semeni
               .Nu ezitati si partipati la un spectacol al frumusetii si sublimului organizat la Sibiu.

vineri, 21 iunie 2013

Social Media Summer Camp ,calea spre performanta.

 Spatiul jurnalistic romanesc este dominat de presa  de scandal cu axare in  general spre mediile "colorate" politic, monden, scandaluri, de multe ori promovand un limbaj suburban chiar in publicatiile cu o anumita notorietate. 
 Este usor de ghicit motivul perpetuarii acestei stari de fapt, "vinderea rapida" cu un profit maxim al publicatiei in detrimentul calitatii informatiei furnizate.
      In acest "painzenis" si-a au facut aparitia unele publicatii care se ridica la standardul real al jurnalismului. Dar cu o marja relativ mica de cititori, in domenii ca economie, finante, cultura, literatura, istorie etc. In acest cerc retrasns al presei de specialitate isi desfasoara activitatea, o echipa profesionista de jurnalisti din anul 2000.
     Lansata in anul 2000, Biz a fost prima revista de afaceri din Romania, impunandu-se prin premiere in print, evenimente de business, proiecte speciale si cautand mereu sa abordeze mediul de afaceri dintr-o perspectiva inedita si interesanta pentru cititori.
   Revista Biz ofera analize sectoriale si idei de afaceri prin intermediul unor abordari unice in presa locala de business. Merge dincolo de cifre si analizeaza strategiile, directiile si oamenii care au dus la succes. Antreprenori de renume, manageri cu viziune, companii inovatoare, idei indraznete, sunt doar cateva dintre temele constante pe care le regasiti in fiecare numar al revistei.
  Mai mult, Biz a impus pe piata numere speciale care de peste 12 ani fac istorie in print: Cele mai performante companii din Romania, Top salarii, Antreprenorul anului, Top 50 directori de marketing, Cele mai puternice branduri romanesti, Top Social Brands sau Biz Verde.
   Biz este mai mult decat prezenta in print, fiind de 11 ani cel mai important organizator de evenimente de business din Romania, segment pe care am impus branduri de prestigiu: ZileleBiz, GreenBizForum, BrandRO, Management360, Social Media Summit si nu numai. 
    Evenimentul, Social Media Summer Camp;
   A patra editie a taberei de social media marketing din Romania.
       4-7 iulie 2013 / Paraul Rece
  Care sunt cele mai potrivite strategii de social media marketing si cum te ajuta in activitatea de zi cu zi, vino si afla in trei zile de workshopuri, conferinte, traininguri si networking in aerul tare al online-ului romanesc.
Pentru o experienta completa in social media / Sa afli cum construiesti o campanie unica/ Cum creezi o comunitate / Sa vorbim, sa invatam si sa cunoastem cei mai influenti oameni din domeniu/ Sa inveti despre retele sociale / Sa primesti raspunsuri si feedback de la cei mai puternici oameni din online.
   Dezbateriile in sine constituie o oportunitate de un real folos pentru anterprenori, aspirantiilor, si fiecarei persoane in parte.

luni, 17 iunie 2013

Romania arc peste timp,

     In decursul istoriei, Romania a jucat un rol important in spatiu geo-politic balcanic.Asezarea geografica a Romaniei ,bogatiile solului si subsolului,au facut pe unii sa o numeasca"Gradina Maicii Domnului",bogatiile  au atras si atrag interesele politice si economice a anumitor popoare in general superioare la capitolul structura social -economic si politic.Aceste manifestari  au marcat si marcheaza poporul roman.
  Structura morala si intelectuala a oamenilor din aceasta tara este strans legata de clasa conducatoare aflata  la un moment dat la conducerea tarii,care de cele mai multe ori a creeat o perceptie negativa asupra cetatenilor nostrii.Alegerea unui brand de tara este un lucru care trebuie lasat pe seama profesionistilor din toate domeniile stiintifice,inclusiv tinind cont si de parerea noastra.In acest sens m-i s-a parut o idee buna ,exprimarea unui punct de vedere prin intermediul sondajului Perceptia romanilor despre brandul de tara.
       Am  complectat sondajul m-i sa parut interesant,daca este sa formulez eu o parere  personala despre brandul Romaniei ar fi o suma a traditiilor,locurilor si oamenilor din Romania.Cred ca trebuie sa invatam din brandul Elenei Udrea si sa lasam  oamenii potriviti sa se ocupe de un lucru care pana la urma ilustreaza  esenta unui popor.Locul Romaniei si implicit al nostru este acolo unde l-a fixat istoria prin marile personalitati ale istoriei.Participati la sondajul http://obsurvey.com/S2.aspx?id=7D807C09-63DD-4483-9A96-969068A3B86C exprima-ti parerea care poate contrui la o "renastere"moral -spirituala a romanilor.

sâmbătă, 15 iunie 2013

Recomand cursurile Scolii de vara de la saridaclub.ro

      Educatia,este factorul esential de progres al fiecarei natiuni.In perioada postdecembrista s-a observat un regres in educatie,acest lucru se manifesta in toate sectoarele vietii sociale,economice si chiar in politica varf,sunt atatea exemple care nu fac cinste acestei tari.
    Desi la inceput s-au facut unii pasi de diversificarea mijloacelor si metodelor de educatie a copiilor,in invatamntul de stat se observa un regres total ..Alternativa viabila pe aceasta linie  sunt ,aparitia gradinitelor si scolilor particulare,care ne ofera noua parintilor  o alternativa cu privire la siguranta, integritatiea, fizica si psihica a copilului , dezvoltarea lui intectuala, facuta la cei mai inalti parametrii.
    In concordanta cu aceste elemente se remarca desfasurarea de cursuri pentru copii de dans un mod placut de imbinare a utilului, cu jocul inocent al copiilor toate avand ca unic scop educatia de calitate.Tot in cadrul Sarida Kids Club,functioneaza programul after -school,care ne ofera garantia deplina asupra intergritatii fizice  a copilului de la plecare de acasa pana la intoarcere,programul include transport ,masa, educatie la cel mai ridicat nivel.
   Sarida Kids Club ofera pe langa educatie de calitate la cele mai inalte standarde ofera si cursuri in raport cu vocatia copilului,cum ar fi  curs de pictura,atelier de teatru,balet si dans modern.
    Deasemenea ,Sarida Kids Club are un program divesificat de recreere,petreceri pentru copii,club de week-end.
    Aparitia club pentru copii in peisajul educational romanesc este o binefacere pentru parinti ,copii si viitorul acestei tari si natiuni.Deci nu pregetati sa vizitati https://www.facebook.com/saridaclub sa va inscrieti copii,pentru linistea noastra sufleasca si viitorul lor minunat.

luni, 10 iunie 2013

arad-tractari-auto.ro,garantia lucrului bine facut,

     Viata romanilor din ultimele decenii au suferit schimbari majore  in general in ceea ce priveste  modul de trai dar si-o schimbarea a mentalitatii in raport cu perceperea realitatii din jurul nostru.Vorbeam de mentaliattea romanului fiidca s-a incetatenit idee ca romanul  este adeptul  idei"merge si asa" facand abstractie de nevoile,cerintele,dorintele persoanelor cu care intra in relatii de conlucrare sau prestari de diferite activitati. 
    Infirmand acest "blazon nefericit" sau eticheta pusa pe o parte importanta a populatiei autohtone firma TRANSPORT AUTO ANGLIA -ROMANIA  care ofera servicii complecte de transport Anglia-Romania  atat pe raza judetului Arad cat si -n intreaga tara.Firma este o formata dintr-o echipa de specialisti in transporturi profesionisti care se ocupa de expedierea autoturismului  din Anglia in Romania in cele mai bune conditii ,siguranta, si  cele mai avantajoase preturi.
     Firma efectueaza transporturi de autoturisme avariate ,utilaje,autoutilitare,motociclete, atv.scutere.
     Transporttul autoturismelor se face pe platforme auto specializate.
     Deasemenea firma asigura consultatnta, stabileste de comun acord cu clientul ceea mai buna varianta a traseului de urmat,raspunde si rezolva toate problemele ivite pe timpul efectuarii transportului. 
.    Firma asigura siguranta deplina a bunurilor  noastre in si in timpul trasportului pana la destinatie.
     Pentru relatii suplimentare puteti suna la  0754 569 594.

duminică, 14 aprilie 2013

Prince Charles Born Vlad The Impaler

Prince Charles Born Vlad The Impaler       
By Baroness Agnes Inczedy of N, which is descended from the Varad Mother of Transylvania, the first Victoria wife of Vlad the Impaler, with whom he had two sons: John and Vlad.
An old peasant's House at the edge of an isolated village in Transylvania. Hard to believe it could be a Royal preference, but Prince Charles has not wanted nothing more.

An old peasant's House at the edge of an isolated village in Transylvania. Hard to believe it could be a Royal preference, but Prince Charles has not wanted nothing more.
                   The Prince of Wales's nature retreat in Transylvania. Also open as guesthouse when HRH is not there. Restored and run by count Kalnoky. You can see free roaming bears on the property towards the end of the video.

How to check your partner's infidelity

 How to check your partner's infidelity



                                About loyalty and ... Treason

   We happened to each of us, at least once in life, to feel attracted to a person, like a whirlpool. A vortex that takes your mind and go deep. Some very powerful, managed to escape from the deep darkness. Others fail. Or do not. Simply they find that love is a gift of life. When we are alone, they incorporate natural things. When we married, they lead to adultery, an unacceptable fact that morality and religion places it among the serious sins. However, the sinners are much more than the virtuous, even if the price is paid in grief and remorse.
                "Infidelity is their own men than women"

    - the ideal image of love involves, necessarily, faithfulness, righteousness sentimental to me. Why is it so important that two people in love and be faithful to each other?

   - Two men are faithful to their lovers as there is love between them. If there is no loyalty, then there is no love. It is important that the two do not lose their sense of belonging to one another. If you say: "I love it" should prove to be true. Love needs signs. Only they generate trust, safety, balance, ingredients without which love can not exist. Behavior of a man in love should confirm statements, love is built of concrete words and gestures. And it is made ​​just for me. You can be happy leaving you deceiving or cheating. - However, in everyday life, fidelity remains rather an empty promise.According to international statistics of psychologists and sociologists, 76% of those surveyed had at least one extramarital affair. What to make of this? As people registered infidelity gene? I have to accept it as a natural fact? That physical attraction lasts only 4-5 years, as sexologists say? - Infidelity is to own men than women. Priests themselves or accept it, I remember that when I asked a parent, he told me that during a post (which you and the sexually) woman would be good to give, if he sees that the man is "disturbed" very hard for this loyalty. I mean, the woman, see me for my loyalty and my post, otherwise it disturbed him, and if he falls into error, it is my fault. This means that even the Church approve a certain extent and in extremis, from the feminine male infidelity. Unfortunately, it happens: a woman comes out dirty, whereas a man - no. Related statistics that I pomeneati, they are sometimes much nonsense, because they are on a sample, no matter how large, not infinite beat ... Only God says that's true, but it says at the end of life, do not tell the beginning or along the way, when people are allowed to oscillate. It's their right to swing ... In connection with what sexologists, that physical attraction lasts only 4-5 years, I do not believe what they say, this is a very random look over such situations, because in a match very good of the couple, both are fluent, while in a relationship squeaky - one of the two is tempted to give up and from there follows the other, as if in a cascade. But infidelity is unlikely to come from a gene. - When is the desire betrayal "Couple?           There are specific reasons that make it one of the partners to seek fulfillment" sex elsewhere?

                When that partner feels like something's wrong, that no longer make any relationship satisfaction that, whether it's in front of Jaguar or simply does not feel the joy of waking up the next day her boyfriend ... she complains after illusions taken while he, poor man, is not to blame, he did everything he could to save appearances, only to finish something, and two others - the illusion of love. True love to be in a couple, there must have been three generations of parents to be loved clean and beautiful, to be held by hand in front of them, to be defended one another, to be talking with tuna warm to each other and be pound wounds ... and then, to her and let free the two young men, to try all these statements alone the mother and father tell of love. Like any ideal, love needs strong patterns. - Participation in sin is different in women than men? - It is usually grounded in a very wrong, leaving just always made ​​from this difference, between men and women in which is favored man and woman has to obey ... It's kind of patriarchy that women have never accepted, because that you a man, not a social structure. Matriarchy and patriarchy are still some social structures, or human feelings are the same, and the men, and the female. And then, it seems natural for a woman to live some feelings which men live, but society is not allow because an education for hundreds of years, that does not allow women to go wrong, because dirty image of man, while he is allowed because she is forced to endure it.

          "Sexuality is more temptation than love"
  What should we do when we feel that slip? "There are good psychological remedies to follow When you feel like drifting, it's good to take our spouse or partner's hand, to separate our mother, father, mother, grandmother or anyone who might have influence on the couple. These two young people to look eye to eye, to look back to the time they spent together, to remember the first day and saw the joy and happiness of each other in the eye, and to determine whether this you dispute a something into them or something that they were induced from outside by those who lead them as parents.
  There is a small adventure opinion that refreshes a sentimental relationship numb, like a save from failure.

 That's very true, especially from men (and sometimes from women, true), with the amendment as one and else they can get ears "in real life, unwittingly and unthinking. then, there was no way to get back the love that strong to begin with., in that case, love is confused with temptation. Sexuality is a matter you more temptation than love, or rather not love you anymore. yourself, but a terrible temptation, and no human structures tilted towards sexuality, and other more lucid - so are they, and all life, the couple that will live in a context where sex is gentle, calm, landlocked spectacular, but true and consistent, without expecting, but the sexual relationship with flutes angels descend from heaven ... - It's good to recognize betrayal or go with them to the grave? - This is about context.'m certain situations, in how much experience I have, where to go with them to the grave, and that was not good because marriage went all the way and they had many return when they were happy together ... But there are situations where one of them (or both) were so stubborn that were bitter about this and they said: "How you have allowed me do me one like that? ". This is because many people consider the center of the universe and never think human error is that human curiosity is that forgiveness must occur 70 times by 7, for anything. But more than anything, there is confessor. Ideally, each person has a confessor, to be older and experienced, and who knows always cold and real love , to tell the young man in front of him which I ask for help, which is ideal.'s why people need to be under obedience, not in the sense of: "Yes, sir", but under the obedience freely consented, as that to God, the word that you say spiritual disciple not to question him, but consider him good came directly from God. And so it is! "There are women who have had schizophrenia after a betrayal" - Why does it hurt so much betrayal? infidelity often leads to illness, suicide, destabilizes our lifetime. You can expect a psychological help in this case? - It depends. I've had situations where I could help a lot and others that I could not help at all.'s about some psychological structures sensitive and hypersensitive ultra. schizophrenia are women who have made ​​after a betrayal, because they could not get over it. Women as a sensitivity no wind could not blow, without them suffer if these doubts were from their husband or partner. extremely resistant and other individuals who marries three times with the same woman. I, if you ask me, I told the man I would not replace with anyone and anything, stay with him for 30 years, and no matter how many problems we had (because I've had problems like everyone, with two children, with services with shortcomings related to health), if you were to marry again, all I would marry him ... I honestly confess that perfection is not embodied, but I'm not ... - In case infidelity is proved, we can heal her pain? She has chances to become again what love was: the great ideal of life? - has, of course it is, provided that one of the two to love as I see love, that is to -true love., and then, is likely, as one who loves the most forgiving most. actual forgive one who loves real and clear your head, not your mind, forget what it was and did not think that there is virtually no reason for separation. But this is an attitude that there are very rare. - In your practice daily will frequently deal with victims of infidelity? - Yes, of course, almost every day - is one of The most common topics and test one of the cornerstones of each couple. And they, too, relies entirely on the issue of fidelity, require definite, but without trying to see what it is, what they did not ask for it reached a unfortunate situation. Typically, partners are considered victims and give your partner accuse stones and hard as I can, believing that only they are guilty. Actually, he will be gone well at home, and it have happened to something, not anymore. Both should look eye to eye, cry if you love and even sorry. But if it's a physical rejection, then you know for sure that I have wrong.http://posts.fanbox.com/l6c75                              


joi, 28 februarie 2013

Hippophae rhamnoides

                       Hippophae rhamnoides

           Hippophae rhamnoidescommon sea-buckthorn, is a species of flowering plant in the family Elaeagnaceae, native to fixed dunes and sea cliffs in Europe and Asia. It is a spinydeciduous shrub.

     H. rhamnoides can grow 2–4 m (7–13 ft) high. The leaves are alternate, narrow and lanceolate, with silvery-green upper faces. It is dioecious, which means that the male and female flowers grow on different shrubs. The male inflorescence is built up of four to six flowers without petals. The female inflorescence consists normally of only one flower without petals and contains one ovary and one ovule. Male plants need to be planted near the female plants to allow fertilisation and fruit production. The oval or lightly roundish fruits grow in compact grapes varying from pale yellow to dark orange and weighing from 0.2 g to 1 g. The plant has a very developed root system that can maintain the soil on high slopes. The roots live in symbiosis with actinomycetes. This relationship permits fixation of nitrogen from the air. They also transform insoluble organic and mineral matters from the soil to more soluble states. The rhizomes sucker rapidly to produce new colonies

  Taxonomy         The Latin rhamnoides means "resembling buckthorn". As the buckthorns are in a different family, and the common name sea buckthorn can refer to more than one species, it is preferable to refer to this plant by its unique 

     Range     Hippophae rhamnoides is a native plant throughout Europe, including Britain, from Norway south and east to Spain and Asia to Japan and the Himalayas. It is grown as an agricultural plant in Germany, France, Finland,ROMANIA India and China. China is the largest agricultural producer.The origin of the plant is Nepal and it migrated to other parts of Eurasia after the last Ice Age.

It is also cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. 

   USE The fruits of sea buckthorn are used in a wide variety of products. Due to difficult harvest conditions and long ramp-up time of 6 to 8 years buckthorn is a relatively expensive raw material. 


         Especially in France (southern Alps) sea buckthorn is commonly sold as fruit juice or as an ingredient in non-alcoholic and alcoholic mixed beverages. Other uses include the berries to be processed as fruit wine or into liquor as well as jam. Buckthorn tea is also made out of the fruits and originates from India.The fruits have a very high vitamin C content, on average exceeding that of lemons and oranges.   

                                        Pharmacological activitieS

                  Various pharmacological activities such as cytoprotective, anti-stress, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, radioprotective, anti-atherogenic, anti-tumor, anti-microbial and tissue regeneration have been reported

                                        Agricultural engineering 

             Buckthorn is resistant to wind and frost, tolerates salty soils and has a wide-reaching root system. It is often used to stabilize sandy locations and as a pioneering plant on regosols

                                            Plant protection

                  Relatively few diseases and insects are important on sea buckthorn but the followings are reported:
The disease Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium albo-atrum and Verticillium dahliae is widespread where sea buckthorn is cultivated. The disease appears on trees 5 to 8 years after plantation. The infected fruits mature prematurely, dry up and shrivel. Infected trees should be dug out and burned. For 3 to 5 years sea buckthorn should not be planted at the same place. Fusarium wiltis another important disease in sea buckthorn. Fusarium spp. seems to only attack rotting and dying plants. Infected branches should be cut and burned.
      There are also insects affecting sea buckthorn as aphidsthrips, two-spotted mites and earwigs. The gall tick, the leaf roller, the gypsy moth and the commashaped scale also cause damages to sea buckthorn.
 The most damaging insect is the sea buckthorn fly. It penetrates the fruits and eats the flesh. The fruits are then unacceptable for use.

                                      Weed control

        Weed control is very important especially during the early growth stages. Sea buckthorn grows slower than weeds because it has a less vigorous root system. Weeds should be removed before planting and then controlled during the first 4 or 5 years. Mechanical and hand cultivation are both used for weed control. The cultivation should not be too deep not to damage the roots of sea buckthorn. (Does sea buckthorn have a fibrous root system? If so, you could include this information ,

          Underbrush, or "Romanian ginseng" contains the highest amount of vitamin C, more than hip and ten times more than citrus. Underbrush can be and the best flu shot.Viewing this seabuckthorn recipes!

        In addition to being a good flu shot, underbrush "Romanian ginseng"  is an enemy such as skin diseases, stress, anemia, hepatitis and strengthens the heart. 
Sea buckthorn fruit can be eaten as is, in their natural state, are preparing them with honey or juice can be diluted with water. Sea Buckthorn has many properties that can be worth a thousand drugs to a place .
Of all the fruit, sea buckthorn contains the highest amount of vitamin C, more than hip and almost ten times more than citrus. In our country meet sea buckthorn and red, both with a powerful antoxidant the body.
The underbrush not only use fruit, but the buds, leaves and bark . Remember that the grandparents, fruits of the earth, and this marvel of plant, kept instead of drugs to nourish the body with vitality and health. 
              BRIEF HISTORY
      Sea buckthorn is a shrub whose fruit benefits known since antiquity. It seems to have originated in Southeast Asia and the Chinese use it for more than 2,000 years in traditional medicine.
In Romania , a buckthorn grows wild in the Carpathian from Moldavia and Wallachia, Siret basin and to Olt.
Scientific name of Tamarix ramosissima Alba underbrush is - Hippophae rhamnoides.Red Sea Buckthorn is Myricaria Germanic Fam. Tamaicaceae

Catina and its properties

Sea buckthorn fruit contains vitamin A, C, B complex, E, P, K, F and microelements such as phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and sodium. Catina is rich in beta-carotene (more than carrots contain) well as pectin, sugars, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
Sea buckthorn berries are harvested from August to late October.
Sea Buckthorn Oil form (seabuckthorn oil) is beneficial in diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcer, diarrhea, rheumatism, diseases of Neuroendocrinology, circulatory and liver. It is also used in alcoholism, stress, fatigue, anemia , coronary, hypertension, gingivitis . An observable effect it has on depression, Parkinson's disease, tumors, adenomas, oral diseases, pharyngitis, raguselii, flu, colds, poisoning and leukemia.
Sea buckthorn is considered a good anti-inflammatory , healing, antibiotic, astringent, anti-cancer. It is indicated for the treatment of liver, spleen and kidneys .
buckthorn shrub
Buckthorn shrub
                    EXTERNAL USE
Sea Buckthorn oil is used as for eye diseases (nearsightedness, farsightedness, glaucoma, cataracts), urticaria, allergies, dermatitis, low immunity, skin ulcers, eczema, acne, bedsores, piles, psoriasis and sunburn. Catina is a good sudorific and is also used in treating some gynecological diseases .
Can be used in diets for inhibiting appetite , but while vitamins to the body .
Sea buckthorn oil you control cholesterol levels .
You should know that anti-inflammatory, healing and antibiotics are owned and buckthorn bark bush.

Catina help keep youth

              Underbrush or better say, sea buckthorn sprouts as a tincture is an excellent remedy against aging.
Sea buckthorn sprouts have, it seems, and an aphrodisiac effect .
Catina is used not only in industry but also in food and non-food.
Underbrush, with sweet fruit actrisor can be consumed pure or mixed with honey, mainly. It can be used for tea, cookies, etc..
Morning on an empty stomach with a teaspoon of sea buckthorn honey will do wonders for your body . If the price of a kilogram of sea buckthorn will often feel even try to clean the fruits of sea buckthorn branch and you will clarify what has a price higher.
Sea buckthorn fruit can be consumed as juice, jam, syrup or wine. To get seabuckthorn juice, fresh fruit is squeezed through a press grapes or give through a stainless sieve.
Sea buckthorn juice is kept at room temperature for a long time, because the film that forms on its surface that prevents its souring. Sea buckthorn berries are used in hypo and avitaminosis, anemia, arthritis, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, diarrhea, eye infections, tuberculosis, Parkinson, urticaria, ulcers, chronic and epidemic hepatitis, cirrhosis

Recipes with Sea Buckthorn

                Syrup of buckthorn
1 liter of sea buckthorn juice obtained from 2 kg of underbrush on the tomato juicer, 1.5 kilograms of sugar or honey 1 liter.
Juice obtained messes with sugar or honey in a bowl and stir 4-5 times per day (for 3-4 days) until sugar melts. ( gustos.ro )
Sea buckthorn syrup
Syrup of buckthorn